The activity of the Veritas Foundation depends very much on the generosity and faith of individual donors and some Churches in the USA and Great Britain. Currently, operating costs reach $200,000/year, most of this amount being covered by donations.
How can you donate in Romania?
In Romania, you can donate ONLINE paying with card using the payment processor by accessing the attached form or through bank transfer: Beneficiary: Veritas Sighisoara Foundation in the following foundation accounts
- IBAN RON: RO41BRDE270SV02681622700
- IBAN EUR: RO30BRDE270SV08224422700
- IBAN USD: RO11BRDE270SV02511502700
- IBAN GBP: RO92BRDE270SV11847102700
How can you donate in the US?
In the US, you can donate ONLINE by paying by card accessing THIS LINK Or by MAIL to NCM (Nazarene Compassionate Ministries). Specify "Veritas Romania" in the "Recipient" line and mail to: General Treasurer, Church of the Nazarene, 17001 Paririe Star Pkway, Lanexa KS 66220. Put Veritas Romania in the memo line with code 134477. All are donations to the Veritas Foundation tax deductible.
How can you donate in the UK?
In the UK, donations can be sent to the Titus Trust, c/o Dr. Paul Tarrant, 129 Mains Drive, Erskine, Renfrewshire, PA8 7JJ or directly to the Titus Trust (IBAN GB85 BOFS80-13- 53 06 0009 36) Bank of Scotland, Bridgewater Shopping Centre, Erskine, Renfrewshire, PA8 7AA.
Promote our projects
Any kind of help counts, and if you tell as many people as possible about our projects, it will help us achieve our mission.
Redirect 3.5% of income tax
"We can change the world and make it a better place, It's in our hands to make the difference." - Nelson Mandela. The state already withholds tax from your income, but you can decide where 3.5% of it goes. Our foundation will carefully manage your money for the benefit of financially disadvantaged people from vulnerable age groups. Be the change you want to see in the world!
Donate with PayPal
No matter where you are, you can use Paypal to donate to the Veritas Sighisoara Foundation
In case you have problems and your browser does not allow Popup windows, you can use the button below to redirect to the payment provider's page.
Thanks to donations we can cover the following costs
Monthly transport cost Seniors' Club
Monthly drug cost for needy beneficiaries
Monthly cost for bread for the Social Canteen
Cost lunar mese calde oferite beneficiarilor aflați în nevoie
Annual cost of trips and camps for beneficiaries
Cost anual excursii pentru copii și tineri de la Kids' Club