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Social service Day centre for adults with disabilities


Type: Social service

Date: Continuous

Location: Sighișoara

Beneficiaries: People with special needs

Service for people with special needs and their families

This service assists 20 people with special needs and their families. Of these, 17 people participate in the "Together" club and three are assisted at home. Club activities take place four times a week. The programme has the following objectives: information and guidance in the preparation of the file for obtaining social rights and benefits, identification of the social and material needs of the families, integration into society, mutual support, socialisation, personal development, development of creative and motor skills.

Services offered to the assisted persons:

  • A hot meal (from Monday to Friday)
  • Gymastics
  • Recreational and networking activities (discussions on different topics, handicrafts, games, films, excursions, camps etc.).
  • Bible Study

Services offered to parents/families:

  • Social assistance (counselling, mediation, assessment, monitoring through home visits, etc.)
  • Support group for parents
  • Counselling/parenting education
  • Support activities for the family system (support, financial help in case of emergency)

Annual activities: parties (Christmas, Mother's Day, International Disability Support Day), camps, trips etc.

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